I know the title of my blog is "The Sales Pro's Selling & Success" blog but I ran across a bumper sticker the other day while I was walking my pug that made me giggle and reminded me of one of my pet peeves. I started thinking about other things, like what the bumper sticker mentioned, that if done would make the world a better place to live in.
I completely understand that what I'm about to talk about is the "small stuff" and that compared to reversing global warming, ending world hunger, saving Darfur, eliminating war and other huge challenges we face this stuff really doesn't matter. However, the little things in life are often those that make a big difference. The bumper sticker I saw read, "If Jesus were here, He'd use His turn signals." I'll bet he would! Take these suggestions for what they're worth. For the most part, they're all about being considerate, an idea I think is important. I try to always DTRT. (Do the Right Thing) See if these make sense to you.
1) Use your turn signals. Whether changing lanes or turning a corner, give the driver behind you enough time to slow down by letting them know your intentions. Don't turn your signal on three blocks in advance or leave your turn signal on forever.
2) Put your trash in the trash can. This post isn't all about driving but it really annoys me when I see the driver ahead of me tossing something out their window. Would you come into my living room and throw food or cigarette butts on my floor? If not, why do you feel it's okay to do it on my Earth? Use your ash tray in your car as your garbage can. I don't smoke but that's what I use it for. When it gets full, I empty it into my home garbage can. Same thing when walking down the street. If you've got trash, hang onto it until you find a proper place to get rid of it.
3) If you're going to write a check at the grocery store, don't wait until the cashier is done ringing up and bagging your groceries to start looking for your checkbook. If you're really such a Luddite that you still write checks at the grocery store, how about filling out a check, with everything but the total, at home before you leave. Have the check ready and then fill in the amount when the cashier totals you up.
4) Speaking of the grocery store, if you don't know how to quickly use the self service checkout, go to a cashier. Faster for you, faster for me. I'm tired of having to tell the person ahead of me to press "Pay now."
5) When you leave me a voice mail, don't assume I know your phone number by heart unless you're my mother, child, attorney or you live with me. If you want me to call you back, leave your phone number every time. And, by the way, leave it S-L-O-W-L-Y so I can write it down.
6) If you want to read e-mail or send text messages or hold your phone to your ear in one hand while you smoke with the other while you're driving it's okay with me (actually it's not) but don't be in the car in front of me driving 35 on the expressway because you've lost track of how fast you're going because you're reading your friend's latest joke. Suggestion - if you really must read your e-mail or send a text, pull over to the side of the road so that we all stay safe.
Hmmmm...seems as if I have a lot of frustration about driving!
7) If you decide that being a cashier is the way you're going to earn a living, please learn to use the magic words. When you take my money I'm helping to pay your salary. When I buy a #5 meal and the MacDonald's you work at and it comes to $5.47, say, "That comes to $5.47 please. And when I hand you my hard earned money say thank you. And say it with a smile. If you hate working where you work, find another job.
8) If you're a woman and I hold the door for you, don't give me an attitude. I know we're equal in every way but I was raised that it's polite to do so and I'm not trying to insult you. Say thanks and go on with your day. btw - If you're a man and I hold the door for you I still expect a thank you.
9) Give people who have young children with them a break. It's not easy to juggle young kids, especially when there are more of them than you. Let them cut in front of you in line at the bank or movie theatre. It won't kill you.
10) Give people who don't have kids, or don't have their kids with them a break. Whether its in the movie theatre or a restaurant, if your kid is screaming pick them up and get them out of there....pronto. Calm them down outside and THEN bring them back in. Don't ruin the movie or meal for the rest of us and don't tell me that "Kids will be kids" when if I politely ask you to do so. (don't make me ask - just do it) I have three young children (ages 7 and 8) and while I'm fortunate that they're extremely well behaved most of the time sometimes they act up, like kids do. When that happens they lose the right to watch the movie or finish what they're eating until they become "human" again.
11) Cell phone in the movie theatre. Do I even need to say more about this one? Apparently I do. Turn it on vibrate and if you MUST tale a call during the movie, answer it with a WHISPERED "Hold on a second" as you walk outside the theatre. I recently had to listen as the person sitting in front of me explained to whoever had called that he was "Not doing much...just at the movies watching Star Trek."
12) As long as we're discussing movies...when the lights go down, shut up. Whether the dancing cup of soda or Po from Kung Fu Panda tells you to, you've been asked to not add to the soundtrack. I didn't spend $11.00 to hear you chatting with your friend while I'm trying to watch the movie.
13) Control your dog. I have a dog that I love too, but she stays on the leash so I can control her. She's a pug and I have a theory that pugs aren't really dogs...they're little aliens from the planet pug. But every now and then she reminds me that she's actually a wild animal capable of biting another dog or a person. I've already had to kick to living crap out of two different pit bulls that were off leash and attacking my dog (I'm not picking on pit bulls - I know some nice ones - It just happens that both of the off-leash dogs that attacked mine were that breed) and I don't want her, or me, to get hurt.
Well, this started out with the intention of me listing 2 or 3 things we can all do, based on the bumper sticker I saw. I see now that I could go on and on but I think you get the point.
Be considerate of others and our planet. Treat others as you want to be treated. Have respect of yourself and others. Do the Right Thing. We'll all find this a better place to live. Now, about global warming.....
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