Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Amazingly Affordable Sales Coaching with Jeff!

High performers have a coach, sometimes multiple coaches. Many of you have asked me for personalized sales coaching over the years but, because of my corporate training schedule, the hourly rate has been unaffordable for most. In this still very challenging economy I've been searching for a way to help as many people as possible get more appointments with decisions-makers, shorten their sales cycle and close more business, more profitably. I've finally come up with an answer that will give you the assistance you can use to propel your sales career forward in 2011 at a rate that is amazingly affordable!

Starting on Wednesday, February 2nd, at 8:00 p.m (Eastern Standard Time) we'll begin a series of weekly, one-hour conference calls that will address the exact sales issues and challenges you currently face in order to make 2011 an outstanding year for you financially.

Here's how it works: For just $10 (USD) per week (Investment is paid monthly) you'll be on a conference call with me. Prior to each call you'll receive a reminder to email me a question or situation you're currently dealing with. (For example - "Jeff, I met with a prospect this week and they are a perfect fit for what we offer but she told me to check back next quarter. Really, our offering is exactly what they need. How do I get the deal NOW?") Each person on the call must email me at least one question per week. (That's right, you have to do some work! Just like when you go to the don't get fit by paying the annual have to work out) During the hour I'll answer an many questions as we have time for with "real-world" advice.

The beauty of this method is that even if your particular question doesn't get answered during any one phone call, you can bet that you've either experienced, or will experience, what did get discussed on the call. The result? You'll be better equipped with the tips, tools, techniques and specific advice you need to close more business and make more money!

There's no contract! We'll do one, one-hour call per week and before the beginning of the next 30 day period you'll get an email reminder to renew. If you choose not to participate there's nothing to do. Your credit card or PayPal account won't be charged unless you take action and renew for the following 30 days. If you're getting at least $10 worth of value per week and decide to continue you'll renew. If not, you're always free to rejoin us in the future but the choice is yours.

There will be a limit on the number of participants so if you're interested, invest in yourself. Cut and paste this address into your browser to go to the registration page in order to register now and join us on the kick-off call on Wednesday, February 2nd!

Questions? Call me at 516-608-4136 or email me at

I'm excited about the prospects for 2011 and working with you to help make this your best sales year ever!!

Make It Happen,
